Sunday, December 14, 2008

Refracted doubt

Dusty fields dry and dead
I thirst for you but I continue to go unfed
I try to hear Your voice but I wonder if I want to listen
I want to stop this fight and every time I look into my heart I am sure
I search through the broken thoughts and confused logic of a prideful fool
I feel deprived and the heart of flesh is petrifying back to the dense stone it was before
Blood made me whole and now blood drips from me so I pray Lord I can bleed out this pain
I know You have sanctified me and gave me life but why can’t you give me peace one more time Lord?
The eyes of the hopeful look too me as some the false archetype they cry for perfection and all I can offer is disappointment.
Every burden of the afflicted I tie around my neck, and now they weigh on me like a millstone around my neck and I hear the sea calling my name to just dive in to oblivion on last time.
While sinking to through the dark depths of the endless ocean I wonder why I am letting myself sink.
Light can no longer penetrate through the black I am alone life leaves me death claims me, but I cannot forgot how the light shined.


Kenneth Alexander said...

we do let ourselves sink.

Poems of Long Ago said...

but we try to pick
ourselves back up.

once again, excellent.

hopeful in the end,
as always lol.

Poems of Long Ago said...

do you ever want to write things
that are not hopeful in the end.

but because of Christs love you
either dont, or dont feel that
way as to write things that are
unhopeful? there are other options
probably, but i am curious to know.

Gratuitous Valor said...

I guess because there is always hope I would feel like I was lying if I did not mention the hope that is in Christ.

Anonymous said...

There are times we all must face the darkness inside of us, and there are also times we don't necessarily want to pick ourselves back up for fear of falling again, but in the light of eternity, I want to be more than a broken vessel, as I sense you do. Good post, including the conviction you show in your comment.