Saturday, October 18, 2008


Mist clouds my thoughts. A mist I freely invited in. The mist has turned me around I am not sure if I am going the right way anymore. Hiding in shadows are only what needs to be hidden. Thoughts shrouded and hearts harden playing in the shadows seems so appealing.

Waiting in the dark is doubt. Waiting in the doubt is lies. Waiting in the lies is a wide path. A path that can’t is inviting and holds all that has hidden in the shadows all this time. Children of God cannot hide in the shadows forever.

Through the breach our good Shepherd searches for us. Our Lord looks into our hearts reaches out to us and calls. His voice quiet and still utters simply “Let me carry you out of these shadows”.

1 comment:

Poems of Long Ago said...

i REALLY like this one alot. its really lovely. it projects a wonderful image as you read it. its like a little mini movie for my mind.